Data tools

The package comes with utility functions to work directly with Datasets. In this section we will see all these functions contained in the datatools module.


average function calculates the average of the numbers within a column.

import pyreports

# Build a dataset
mydata = tablib.Dataset([('Arthur', 'Dent', 55000), ('Ford', 'Prefect', 65000)], headers=['name', 'surname', 'salary'])

# Calculate average
print(pyreports.average(mydata, 'salary'))  # Column by name
print(pyreports.average(mydata, 2))         # Column by index


All values in the column must be float or int, otherwise a ReportDataError exception will be raised.

Most common

The most_common function will return the value of a specific column that is most recurring.

import pyreports

# Build a dataset
mydata = tablib.Dataset([('Arthur', 'Dent', 55000), ('Ford', 'Prefect', 65000)], headers=['name', 'surname', 'salary'])
mydata.append(('Ford', 'Prefect', 65000))

# Get most common
print(pyreports.most_common(mydata, 'name'))  # Ford


The percentage function will calculate the percentage based on a filter (Any) on the whole Dataset.

import pyreports

# Build a dataset
mydata = tablib.Dataset([('Arthur', 'Dent', 55000), ('Ford', 'Prefect', 65000)], headers=['name', 'surname', 'salary'])
mydata.append(('Ford', 'Prefect', 65000))

# Calculate percentage
print(pyreports.percentage(mydata, 65000))  # 66.66666666666666 (percent)


The counter function will return a Counter object, with inside it the count of each element of a specific column.

import pyreports

# Build a dataset
mydata = tablib.Dataset([('Arthur', 'Dent', 55000), ('Ford', 'Prefect', 65000)], headers=['name', 'surname', 'salary'])
mydata.append(('Ford', 'Prefect', 65000))

# Create Counter object
print(pyreports.counter(mydata, 'name'))  # Counter({'Arthur': 1, 'Ford': 2})


The aggregate function aggregates multiple columns of some Dataset into a single Dataset.


The number of elements in the columns must be the same. If you want to aggregate columns with a different number of elements, you need to specify the argument fill_empty=True. Otherwise, an InvalidDimension exception will be raised.

import pyreports

# Build a datasets
employee = tablib.Dataset([('Arthur', 'Dent', 55000), ('Ford', 'Prefect', 65000)], headers=['name', 'surname', 'salary'])
places = tablib.Dataset([('London', 'Green palace', 1), ('Helsinky', 'Red palace', 2)], headers=['city', 'place', 'floor'])

# Aggregate column for create a new Dataset
new_data = pyreports.aggregate(employee['name'], employee['surname'], employee['salary'], places['city'], places['place']))
new_data.headers = ['name', 'surname', 'salary', 'city', 'place']
print(new_data)     # ['name', 'surname', 'salary', 'city', 'place']


The merge function combines multiple Dataset objects into one.


The datasets must have the same number of columns otherwise an InvalidDimension exception will be raised.

import pyreports

# Build a datasets
employee1 = tablib.Dataset([('Arthur', 'Dent', 55000), ('Ford', 'Prefect', 65000)], headers=['name', 'surname', 'salary'])
employee2 = tablib.Dataset([('Tricia', 'McMillian', 55000), ('Zaphod', 'Beeblebrox', 65000)], headers=['name', 'surname', 'salary'])

# Merge two Dataset object into only one
employee = pyreports.merge(employee1, employee2)
print(len(employee))     # 4


The chunks function divides a Dataset into pieces from N (int). This function returns a generator object.

import pyreports

# Build a datasets
mydata = tablib.Dataset([('Arthur', 'Dent', 55000), ('Ford', 'Prefect', 65000)], headers=['name', 'surname', 'salary'])
mydata.append(*[('Tricia', 'McMillian', 55000), ('Zaphod', 'Beeblebrox', 65000)])

# Divide data into 2 chunks
new_data = pyreports.chunks(mydata, 2)      # Generator object
print(list(new_data))     # [[('Arthur', 'Dent', 55000), ('Ford', 'Prefect', 65000)], [('Tricia', 'McMillian', 55000), ('Zaphod', 'Beeblebrox', 65000)]]


If the division does not result zero, the last tuple of elements will be a smaller number.